Sunday, March 30, 2014

What and Why M1RI?

What is M1RI?
As stated in the proposal:
"The goal of this project is to impliment a matrix library with bitslicing techniques described by Tom Boothby and Robert Bradshaw here This takes the “Method of Four Russians”, an algorithm made for efficient logical matrix algorithms, and using bitslicing to extend that to matrices over larger finite fields. GF(3), GF(5), and GF(7) matrices will be the scope of this project. 

This technique allows for very fast matrix calculations.   It allows low level arithmetic to collide with the efficiency of modern CPU word sizes.  

 Linear algebra has an elegant aesthetic but, delving deep into, unearths arcane knowledge about the nature of mathematics, and computer science.   Getting to learn more of this along the way of this project will be quite fulfilling. 


This project is going to be written in C99, using autotools for portability and for testing.